Comment #6886
0 < Request Box
Request Box
02012-06-04 09:14:47
Nothing too fancy, something short and simple. I am thinking flash intergrated with traditional. Also I can do backgrounds fairly well.
Rock Candy68876886
Request Box
02012-06-04 09:25:17
I guess it could work, somehow... What do you have in mind?
Request Box
02012-06-04 09:45:52
Hows about this idea, one of the characters is in a midieval erra and she has the standard sword/shield or just a sword. There will be only monster in the flash and whenever her armor breaks the creature can take advantage of that character. I have more ideas if you would like to hear it (read more).
Rock Candy68896888
Request Box
02012-06-04 09:50:37
You mean, like an actual game? Or a short animation?
Request Box
02012-06-04 10:03:54
Well, not so much of a game.....more on animation. putting in a few buttons that triggers and events, like a turn based rpg but not as difficult as final fantasy or dragon warrior for the nintendo lol.
Request Box
02012-06-04 10:05:01
That triggers events
Rock Candy68926891
Request Box
02012-06-04 10:08:43
Could work. I can ask Mittsies if he can implement some easy RPG thingy, 's probably not too hard.
But yeah, it could be interesting to work with.
Request Box
02012-06-04 10:16:56
Awesome if you don't mind, can I draw some concept art and post it in the gallery or can I send it to you...with your permisoin of course.
Rock Candy68946893
Request Box
02012-06-04 11:55:19
Well, let's continue discussing in an email instead. It's a lot easier.
Request Box
02012-06-04 16:41:09
Ok cool, I will gather up all the information.
Rock Candy69536896
Request Box
02012-06-13 03:05:35
You got any of the info yet?
Request Box
02012-06-28 05:08:00
Sorry about that I was caught up in school and I also had to learn another way to animate because it was taking too long...but anywho a few gifs and concept art will be ready. Oh and one more thing....if you are not busy I would like to hire you later down the road for a few projects.
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Parent comment: 6885