Comment #6740
2012-05-19 13:07:20
why the fuk does he have so many zu rapes... just why she doesnt deserve it once was enough but come on she is raped in almost the entire adult section this much story but she only has rape to show for it why she is capible of attracting more people instead of all these fatass pricks who like to see cat girls pregenant and raped over and over so much talent but nothing to do with it.
2012-05-23 22:30:36
Zu dose not like what you just sed...
maby i should show you a flash back in memory lain
flashback music:dana anana anana anana andanana naaaaa!
Eddy:what double D and Ed
Music:wuw wuw wu wu wuw wuw!
Eddy:forget about that old shit nazz and get some of Zu's snazzy azz!
Eddy:Guys you thinking what im thining?
Zu:oooooh!aaaah!yessss!A little to the left
Edd,Ed,Eddy:We should have masaged her back years ago...jaw breakers here we come!
The End
So what did you learn from this
oh year you learned that she dont always got to be raped...rape is good and bad at the same time...sometimes thay like it...sometimes thay dont...and sometimes thay cant complain...but you on the other hand have to have a word with the most wonderful doctor on earth...speak with Psycho Girl or els you will end up like me...In the asylem...well im not in it now but I will be if the batman gets me...well see you hu!
2012-05-26 18:11:36
wat if she chop meh dick off i rather be in asylem P.S. Rape is never good its horrible i never got raped but it is the #1 reason men hate jail next to lack of independence and its the number one reason girls are fukin afraid to walk around at night and if u say something dumb in reply go to jail try rape lets some fat ass cum up ur butt then we'll see how good rape is. Now dream about it u'll enjoy it bro i'll make sure to frame u for something while u sleep >:) :3 oh yea my roomate says "hoop u lik ghey jeil but secks!"
2012-06-15 01:34:02
The joker is funny...stfu noob!