Comment #6046
Rock Candy60466045
2012-02-10 03:58:57

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Parent comment: 6045

Well, I have the choice of doing white flashes or transitions, mixing them up wouldn't look very good, me thinks. Yes, still having DP in it. I might add some extras too, but I'm not sure yet. It depends on what I feel like doing when I get there.
2012-02-10 04:06:25
Indeed a combination of white flash and transition would look rather odd. I very much like the sound of these so called 'extras', very tantalising. Have you got much of it done or is it still under major construction?
Rock Candy60486047
2012-02-10 04:13:59
Huff, well, I'm halfway, kinda.cI have a few animations left to do, not counting possible extra material. The most "problematic" thing will be the cumscene. Also, I have to animate facial expressions and such stuff, and that can take some time as well.