Comment #5326
A fan/Welgaian/Humanoid(?)
Adult Animations
2011-11-29 20:56:16
Honestly, this is great! I'm not a psycho-girl kinda guy(in respects only to the killing aspect) but I like this. What I mean is, aside from dying, with puts 'teh dakka' in this situation (uze moor dakka) this is exemplary, great animation, awesome hidden goal with the one ending still in mind, and trolls the living HELL out of the player(Negro is more offencive than Nigger by and by) to the extent of growing insanely popular. RC, Mittsies, please tell me your commissioning prices! Though it should be said outright there would be no fore-sex involved, but still...
Rock Candy53705326
Adult Animations
2011-12-02 08:47:07
I don't do comissions.