Comment #4036
Cain L. Hellbond
Request Box
2011-07-17 01:11:07
I just found your sight from a recent flash creation video made on the sight located in the adult section. (Little tricky to find) Scrolling though I found a lot of incredible animations, "specially the cancled triple" (Seems bit of a shame since it had a lot of possibilities with enough time and work.) But I know nothing of how an animation is created so, I could imagine the hell is must be to create some thing like this. Anyways: I've recently ran in to a game on the section that, had a lot of animated qualities just like your "triple" demo that has been canceled. I like to make a request... You think you could make a possible, more legit animated version of the cat girl who's seem to be raped by a dog or some thing with brown qualities. It be very interesting to seem some one of your quality taking the time to create a real true master piece creation, one that wouldn't be cancel and has more actions and effects to preform then a few buttons. Like a lot of sex games, you have very little options. "Like the Krystal sex games, of the character from star fox." I'm not requesting you complete the triple. I'm requesting you to make an animation, one with many possible options and unique things to preform. Then just a "few" basic scenes. It seems quick and easy to make those and I like to see the talent be pushed to a limit. I just really like to see, finally an animated game to become a real loving piece of work. Sincerely, Cain L. Hellbond. Critic animator. P.S. If I find any more interesting animations and even the idea created. I'll be more then happy to get your sight known to several thousands of different people wanting to view and see much of these works. Who knows... could just turn some of this great pieces of work in to a "profitable" game creations.
Cain L. Hellbond
Request Box
2011-07-17 01:15:07
P.S.S. Now that I also remember and nearly failed to type out. You really have amazing flow with the movement of your characters and the balance texture of colors and effects seem to be inspiring: well... professional even. I'm not sure if your the only person doing these or have a team of people helping you, I like though to give credit and if there was a rating feature, a wonderful 9.5 out of 10. Please. Keep up the good work and email back or comment back if you can or willing to. Thank you, so much again, for taking the time to review my opinion, request, and credit for performing amazing work on animations.
Rock Candy40384037
Request Box
2011-07-17 03:02:29
Thank you. I've planned to make a real game with another animatior and flash artist, Mittsies. It'll be a "replacement" for the Zu Triple.
Cain L. Hellbond
Request Box
2011-07-17 15:32:57
Haha I'm so amazed and almost inspired to take a month to learn how to make animation just from stick figures. (Quote "my drawings are horrid" unquote) I really can't wait to see this work and do take your time. A master piece was never made in a single day. I'll be going on daily at this sight checking out the interesting animations and smooth flow design of everything. Hope as well that everything works out and everything, runs smoothly. Now I'll quit the chatter typing and just enjoying everything that's been previously made before I sound like a real douche bag. Sincerely, Cain L. Hellbond.