1592011-07-06 08:23:07
Hey man, dont give up on love. I too gave up on finding the one for me, but now look at me! I have a great girl at my side (and every morning isnt half bad as well ;3) and almost everyday we have anal. So instead of imagining love, go look for one TOO love. Just trying to help a brother out. Peace.
Rock Candy39223921
1592011-07-06 08:46:58
You realize that would take a lot effort, yes? And I would rahter put that effort into making flashes. No girl would stand being with me anyway.
1592011-07-06 13:26:59
Difficult, yes. Impossible, no. Just listen to yourself. Your putting yourself down. Its bad enough if people criticize your works of art in a bad way, but you criticizing your own ability to have a woman? I think not! You go out there and find yourself someone to love. Dont say that "every" single girl would be annoyed by you. That will happen only if you tell yourself that. My friend, everyone is eligible, including you.
Rock Candy39243923
1592011-07-06 13:32:45
1. I have no social skills whatsoever.
2. I'm not interested in finding a girlfriend.
3. I am very picky and I only want a Zu; there is no such girl for real.
4. I don't find RL girls attractive.
Enough information for you to put it down?
1592011-07-06 13:58:56
I know what you mean, I also don't like today's woman. In that case, the older days were way better.
1592011-07-07 11:23:05
Nope. Because I had the exact same characteristics that you have (Besides the Zu part). In fact, I think I had it more worse than you. Believe me, you WILL find someone out there, and you should appreciate the fact that there are people that care about you and your social life.
Rock Candy39393938
1592011-07-07 11:25:38
Worse than me? I don't have it bad, I enjoy being alone. I never leave home unless I really have to. I don't even plan on living for too long.
1592011-07-07 11:39:20
Is that so? You enjoy the loneliness? You enjoy the cold, dark, unrelenting darkness within your home? You enjoy the soul crushing seperation from society? Do you, my friend, enjoy the fact that you think you have no greater purpose in life? Something tells me that you dont. Your looking for a way out... Aren't you?
Rock Candy39423941
1592011-07-07 11:48:23
I do. Though it's mostly very warm at this time of the year. I don't give a shit about purposes, I do what I want and like to do. I don't like society, people are stupid. So, ya, you're wrong. Don't try to believe you know what I am like :V
1592011-07-07 12:04:39
Alright alright. I respect that. You have NO life, you have NO friends, you have NO social skills whatsoever, you have NO purpose but to churn out whatever your doing online. Hell of a way to live. And I didnt say to stop doing what your doing, I find your work amazing by the way, I was just trying to help you out man. It hurts to be alone, and everybody who reads this knows that. No hard feelings towards anybody. If thats the shit you want to live to the very day you die, be... my... guest.
Rock Candy39453943
1592011-07-07 12:12:51
You may think so; I don't. I'll happily be alone until I die.
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