Comment #3629
Request Box
2011-06-14 12:44:42
I have a request!!! :D It's about two OC's- Miyo the cat and Estella the Fox. I have the reference pics here, of course... They're in their jammies... Yes, Fyre-The-Eevee is me. I am requesting a rape-type animation for the two of them... I see you haven't done a double-female before, and it would be neat to see it done. Don't exactly know how it would lay out, but if you need only one, I won't be hurt about it- both are equally adorable in my eyes. Or... Essie's more of a tomboy anyway- perhaps a strap-on for her, and Miyo the victim? :3 Let me know. ~Fyre
Rock Candy36313629
Request Box
2011-06-14 12:55:08
>Q: Hey, I have this awesome idea for a flash! >A: I don't take flash requests. They take too long to make. >Q: Hey, can you draw this furry character doing something sexual? >A: No, sorry, I don't draw furries. I don't mind them being around though. So no, sorry, but I wont make your request. You wanted to know, sorry if I came off as harsh.
Request Box
2011-06-14 13:00:30
That's oki :3 Ha, I didn't know you didn't do furries, or I'd have suggested Kikole. As for the flash- Do you only do pictures for requests, then?
Rock Candy36363634
Request Box
2011-06-14 13:05:58
Well, now you know. Yes, only pictures. But as it is now, I have a lot of shit to finish, and I don't want to slow myself down by drawing more pictures.
Request Box
2011-06-14 13:14:48
Alrighty :D Thanks for replying so quickly, anyway. If you ever have time in the future then, here's Kikole- Sorry it's not a better picture, can't really draw legs for some reason...