Comment #3453
Fan Art
2011-05-29 19:12:17

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Parent comment: 3423

DJ can't come to Sweden, eh? OH, I beg to differ! (laffs wickedly) Just wait 'til the sequel to my fanfic. OKAY!!!! For those of you who don't know, here's a run-down of everything Zu has brought with her from the trip, from top to bottom: 1. Washington Nationals baseball cap with American Flag pin. 2. Ray-Bans sunglasses 3. Washington Capitals hockey team pin, Obama campaign pin and Washington, DC flag pin 4. Levi's low-ride bluejeans and if you check by her feet, there's a Smithsonian Institute box full of souvenirs. Also, what Zu has in her mouth is NOT a cigarette! It's a sucker.
Fan Art
2011-06-04 18:13:14
BUGGER!!! I forgot: 5. A Washington Redskins football pennant under her arm. (Whaps self with "D'OH!" hammer)