Comment #3109
Adult Animations
472011-04-29 10:34:21
Actually, it's a pagan festival - the Spring Equinox. Christians demonized it and took away all value it had. Same with Christmas, that was originally the Winter Solstice.
Christianity can go fuck itself, it's built on lies and deception. Have you READ the bible? Utter bullshit - mistranslated TWICE, once from the ancient Greek, and then from the Hebrew.
Adult Animations
472011-04-30 21:06:25
Further elaboration: To be more specific, it is a Heathen (Aesir,Norse Gods, i.e. Odin, Freya, Thor, Baldr. etc. A lot of us don't like to be called Pagans.) To celebrate the birth of Ostr, anglicised as Easter, Goddess of spring, planting, and life. It was stolen by the Christians as their holiday during the Christianisation of the Norse peoples. Praise the AllFather, and may Mjolnir guard you.
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Parent comment: 3108