Comment #26434
0 < Request Box
Request Box
2023-10-20 06:37:17
Remove the achievements or add a button to unlock everything immediately. Nobody wants to do your dumbass chores list.
Request Box
2023-11-11 17:25:45
Could've ask nicely, but you choose to be a jerk about it, I'm sure Rocky will take into consideration, but your attituded is not appreciated by anyone
Request Box
2023-11-15 11:18:11
The thought of putting them in in the first place is already mentally bankrupt enough. He could have made it into an actual gameplay mechanic where you obtain a currency through repeatable actions (not missions, but, idk, like, liters of jizz or something) in the game, which you then spend in some sort of shop to buy all the cosmetic stuff. A chore list is just a boring, lazy, and ultimately worthless thing to put in place in order to drag out the playtime in the most predatory manner available. The only thing more predatory are actual microtransactions.