Comment #26342
2023-09-27 16:40:10
Woah, i know good game take time to be made, and this, is not what you did with zoophilia the first. at this point, it is a true full game. i will be happy to pay full price (that you wish to propose) for when you will finally put the new versions out. (and i will wait to pay for the next versions, like a dlc, but i "follow" what you have done for many years now like a lot of people on this website i'm sure, without really making comment until now. i say you, but i never really used all my brain to know if you where all alone on this site, or if it was multipples peoples sometimes that where talking.) From a nobody, take sometime the liberty to give you break, i go in burn-out mode a lot with my work too. Hope for the better, and be the lewd be with you !
Rock Candy2634426342
2023-09-28 09:26:13
I'm not going to sell it, it's still going to be free access. The people who donate through patreon are the guys keeping me running.