Comment #26089
2023-08-10 14:11:47
Why not just synthesize Jo's voice with an AI? You have more than enough recorded to do that
Rock Candy2609026089
2023-08-10 15:13:37
Because that's a shit thing to do. AI can't improvise like the VA can either.
2023-08-12 08:03:03
As a software developer with 20 years of industry experience who has been following the AI scene I can confidently say that he is right not to do so. AI is not intelligence in the way people understand it. It can't really create. It only copies and remixes. To use an analogy think of AI as a really, really dumb kid. You give that kid a bunch of Lego bricks and a bunch of instructions and it puts them together. And the kid will put the sets together well enough. Given enough sets and enough instructions you can even get it to "learn" and make variations on the sets. Like say putting two small towers together instead of a single large one for example. But it can't ever substitute for the creativity and energy of a real human. It can't improvise. It can't adapt. It can only ever do what it has learned. So you'll newer get it to take those bricks and build a modern city instead of the medieval towers the sets came from. And that sort of personal ability to adapt, interact and improvise on the spot to create new things on demand is exactly what is necessary from actors, voice or otherwise. Because it's not just about saying the words. It's about making the people listening believe them.