Comment #24967
2023-02-07 13:40:15
Hey dude. A massive fan of your work and will be on your Patreon soon. Is that a good way to bung you some cash? It seems quite desolate by comparison to your website. Absolutely adore the Zu & Jo work in particular. I was wondering, is there ANY possible way to randomise sizes somewhat in this piece? Perhaps your friendly programmer could work some magic? I just figure it would be funny to have some ridiculously tiny human pp attempting to pleasure Zu whilst a ridiculously enormous one is lined up for Jo... the mind boggles! In any case, love your work bro, keep it up and thank you. All the best from the UK. Cheers
Rock Candy2497224967
2023-02-07 21:54:08
Ye, the Patreon is a bit desolate, but that is mainly due to Patreon not really liking the sort of content I make you know? Gotta be stealthy. It's the only way to support us currently, but we may expand to other sites in the future perhaps. Size change isn't really a feasible option. It's all manual animation, not physics or some such, so to do that I'd have to make all original animations. Perhaps in a future project.