Comment #24675
Johnson and Johnson
Adult Animations
2022-10-22 00:23:58
I've been checking this website since, like, honestly... 2016. Never left a single comment. just wanted to say that I was very impressed with yalls work here on the Zu and Jo part. I think it's my favorite thing you've ever made. The voice acting, the interactions, are really dynamic. The way the characters play off and comment on each other is so cool. The voice actresses are also very talented. The art is well done as always, the options are robust. Really great work all around and I very much appreciate that anal isn't the only option. Quick feedback. The game is a little broken on the site. Download works fine though. I do wish there was an option to exit to the menu. Once you select one of the storylines (?) you can't go back and choose another, you have to close to desktop and restart.
Rock Candy2468124675
Adult Animations
2022-10-22 05:02:13
Glad to hear you like it! And yes, the quit option seems to have broken. It used to work, but it must've broken again at some point between then and release.