Comment #24549
2022-09-14 10:33:16
Thanks for letting us know about the server changes going on in the background, I was curious as to what was going on since your twitter didn't mention anything of the sort. This said the Johanna biography picture is for some reason ant-sized unlike the earlier version of it, perhaps it was a fluke when uploading? I also congratulate you on a speedy recovery from the illness you underwent! Keep on being great! :)
Rock Candy2455024549
2022-09-14 13:00:34
I forget twitter is a thing unless I'm posting art. Whoops, some weird thing happened there, I think I might've grabbed the wrong link. I've fixed it now. I felt like shit for a day, but after that it was just a fever and a hoarse throat that was pretty stubborn. Not too bad in retrospect, but the worst part was that I was traveling in a car for a lot of the duration when I felt the shittiest. Thanks.