Comment #21202
Rock Candy2120221200
2021-05-21 10:19:54

This is a reply to a comment and its comment thread.

Parent comment: 21200

Well, I can't help that there's assholes on the internet who believe it's OK to do that to somebody who posts things you don't like; you're still here.And it's not like they accomplished anything with that anyway. So, victory. Also; I never refused to remove it from places where it's forbidden; I did so afterwards. Caught in a lie once again. Whoever kicked that guy wasn't me; it was one of the mods. I'm also not a coward; I know it's pointless. I'm also not bawwwing shit, the only sad thing here is you, believing what you do about me. Just look at all the wrong facts and lies you've posted here. And I clearly can't change your mind, 'cause you've made it up and refuse to see it from another perspective. Perhaps the best way is to simply not respond to you anymore; you're not interested in reason and discussion.
2021-05-21 11:06:30
You fail to understand that not every site follows swedish laws and your content gets flagged due to this. If you were following their rules and not chicken out when someone tries to help you, these things (Including the doxing) wouldn't have happened. So "victory", my ass. And look who's talking and pulling the "no u" thing again. Not to mention that you're ironically too thick-skulled to understand that your shitty actions has consequences besides the doxing.