Comment #19834
Adult Animations
2020-07-19 03:06:19
Interest fact: Zara and horse can cum at the same time, which is a much more exciting screen, but very hard to achieve. In order to achieve that, you need a timer and luck, you have to click the ejaculate button right before Zara cum(less than half second). Here is the time needed for Zara cum from zero in different speed. Slow: 2m52s Fast: 1m16s Deep: 1m35s Fast & Deep: 57s Important note: While Zara cum, the intercourse will still accumulate pleasure. That mean if you press the button too late, you have to reset timer immediately. Important note 2: Every time Zara cum with the horse, it will make Zara slightly harder to cum. E.g. after 10 time, the time needed for Zara cum in Fast & Deep speed might increase ~2s. Bug: Every time Zara cum, it will be very small chance for Zara stuck into orgasm status, the reaction of Zara and pleasure accumulation will be still normal, but the ejaculate button will keep in grey and disable, the face will stay on extreme red, and the pussy keep squirting and become extreme red and wet until the next orgasm of Zara, then it will return to normal.
Adult Animations
2020-07-26 04:53:13
I just realize the Important note 2 is wrong. The game becomes laggier and laggier along with long time game-play, and thus it takes Zara longer to cum due to lower frame rate.