Comment #19679
Seymour Asis
Adult Animations
2020-06-08 08:18:37
When I play the game online everything works fine, but when I download it and play it on a standalone flash player instead of letting me click the buttons it just starts auto playing and cycling through different animations. I can click continue but it just grays out the button and does nothing, I can cycle through her clothes, piercings and glasses but the rank and tattoo stay on her no matter what. It's also stuck on 100 even though I was at 106 or something, it does say ass + but the drawing doesn't show up either. I really like the fact she can orgasm and ahegao would be very much appreciated for example after a certain amount of orgasms.
Seymour Asis
Adult Animations
2020-06-08 08:22:45
I forgot to mention that the Zoo part of the flash works as intended. I also fiddled around with the flsh options like play and repeat, but these don't change anything.
Rock Candy1968119679
Adult Animations
2020-06-08 10:08:54
This is because your flash player is outdated.
Seymour Asis
Adult Animations
2020-06-08 10:41:03
Alright, thanks for that Rock Candy, I was pretty sure I had the latest version installed and I even reinstalled it to no avail before I wrote the comment. Did some searching and apperently you can get aa debug version of flash player on their site. I installed it and it works fine now. Thanks again!
Adult Animations
2020-06-10 23:15:59
I had the same issue with the debug version of flash player. It works in the browser or the mpc-hc media player.