Comment #19627
2020-06-01 18:53:04

This is a reply to a comment and its comment thread.

Parent comment: 19626

So calling a pedo like you out makes me a "prude" person who has worse issues than you? LMAO, it seems that the only things you're good at is making me laugh with your stupidity and digging yourself deeper in a shithole by acting like you're clueless of what's going on. That's something typical from pedos and pedo apologists who're butthurt and in denial. Pretty ironic that you claim that I was "taking things personal/out of context" and all that jazz when you're the one who decided to pull the banhammer because, oh no, someone who genuinely didn't want to see your Discord account at risk of getting suspended (like in Twitter) politely asked to remove the child porn pics. It's nobody's fault but your own for getting mad at me enough to ban my account because I've committed the "horrible" crime of helping you from losing your channel and/or even your account lol. Hope someone makes a thread about you~
Rock Candy1962819627
2020-06-02 03:47:03
Yes, definitely. You're just throwing labels around like a typical angry leftist. Quick to call names, the lot of ya. The guy you messaged saw your message as a threat, and therefore I banned you. But hey, in your mind, bans cannot be handed out without being mad, so I guess things didn't actually go down as they did. Oh well. I wonder if you'll come back once more and reply to this. Literally does not matter. All they do is cherry picking and spread misinformation. It's only going to be read by people who already don't like anything that's not vanilla porn.
2020-06-02 07:12:16
"t's only going to be read by people who already don't like anything that's not vanilla porn." Correction: people who're not pedos like you. It seems that you and your friend are equally retarded in the sense that you didn't bother to read WELL stuff and instead you took the autistic decision to jump into conclusions, just like most lolcows do. Apparently, any person who doesn't kiss your asses is a "threat". What you've said is clearly depicted and archived in the thread; so "misinformation", my ass. Keep denying the fact that you're a sick fuck who think that his CP drawings are more important than your reputation and common sense. You're just making things worse. Besides, it takes less than 5 minutes to remove your shitty child porn from your site, yet you decided to defend your ass. Autists like you have no idea about priorities, do they? Sadly, your retarded excuses won't work if someone else finds out that you posted child porn and does something further about it lol
Rock Candy1963019629
2020-06-02 08:39:01
Do you think pedo accusations and being unpleasant will help your case? It's just a drawing. Chill out. I guess you're to un-autistic to see how unreasonable you are.
2020-06-02 14:19:46
As I've said, your retarded excuses won't work if something worse occurs (Not even your "It's just a drawing bro" one.) and I refuse to be nice with pedos like you if they don't do anything to fix their shit. Also, "un-autistic"? "Unreasonable"? Keep entertaining me with your autistic logic, you pedo mongoloid.
Rock Candy1963319631
2020-06-02 15:15:40
You don't seem very entertained. You still seem pretty angry. But hey, pedo pedo pedo. It's the only thing you can say. You don't have anything else. You don't have an argument, you're just name calling. And according to your logic, if the drawing is removed, I'm not a pedo anymore? Or would you suddenly stop calling me a pedo pedo pedo then? Drawing a drawing doesn't make me a pedo. A pedo is someone who are sexually attracted to children. I'm not. I just drew a drawing featuring an "underaged", fictional character. Ya gotta be able to tell apart fiction from reality. But I'm amused you're still here screaming pedo pedo pedo. You can keep doing that, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm not, no matter how many times you repeat it. Just like I'm not a rapist because I draw fictional rape scenarios, and just like I'm not a murderer because I shoot somebody in a video game.
2020-06-02 18:34:33
The fact that you posted those underage drawings (despite it's clearly obvious that it's NOT allowed in most sites (besides being illegal) and can even damage your reputation) and decided to ban because "I'm a threat" (even if I've showed Discord's rules to prove that I wasn't trolling or anything similar) doesn't speak very well from you at all. At first, I was relieved when you removed the mentioned drawings from Discord because I thought you weren't one of those NSFW artists who disregard all the rules and post whatever they want (to later complain that their accounts got banned) and overreact when they get told about them, but got very surprised that you decided to ban me as well just because your friend assumed my message was a "threat". "Threat" about what? About reporting ALL the porn pics you posted? I'm not like one of those people who report literally everything that contains sexual stuff, unless they >>actually contain<< something that's not allowed on Discord. Besides, how can I or someone else be sure that you won't damage your reputation further there or anywhere else? It doesn't matter how much you try to justify or use the "it's just a drawing, bro" excuse, child porn is very frowned upon everywhere... Except for a small group of people who get constantly shunned by everyone else, both online and IRL. And the fact that you shared some IRL stuff and personal info from yourself in the past doesn't even help, because someone might recognize you somewhere and you can't guess if they either heard of you as the same guy who posted Earthbound flashes or found out that besides drawing anal rape and dickgirls, you made CP drawings (they didn't depict an actual child (like Shadman did before), but still.), nor what will they say/do about you or your creations. The internet's population isn't precisely like your fans or friends, there are people who wouldn't hesitate to do something definitely worse than name-calling and fighting. Even though everyone has their own kinks and all that, there are things that it's better to not share publicly, or even submit them in first place, because they might lead you to a dangerous position even if you claim you're not into them. Use your brain well at once, please.
Rock Candy1963619635
2020-06-03 04:10:35
Why are you so obsessed about my reputation? You apparently already think I'm dirty autist, so I don't see much of a reason to uphold something that's already on the negative side. Well, if somebody wants to murder me over a single drawing, then so be it.
2020-06-08 13:52:27
You still fail to understand the seriousness of the situation and that there's a difference between posting something that's just controversial (like rape-themed drawings) and posting illegal shit like child porn, not to mention that you're just adding more fuel to the fire by defending your CP pic and using your "it's just a drawing bro" excuse. You already shared some personal info about yourself, so do people a favor and fix your crap at once.