Comment #19165
Pervy Sage [Pervert Mode]
2020-02-15 21:10:16

This is a reply to a comment and its comment thread.

Parent comment: 19163

I know this "discussion" has nothing to do with me, but I wanted to point out something regarding what Boom said about the majority of your content being Rape... While there is some truth to that, at the same time that's incorrect. Because a good majority of your Rape content is usually Mindbreak-to-Consent, or the girl[s] being raped doesn't really object/put up much of a fight because, secretly deep down, they want the rape to happen because they want to be dominated/fucked silly. Such scenarios wouldn't really work with Sixten since he isn't gay or bi, nor likes being a sub during sex. So unlike the ladies, ge wouldn't find any pleasure/enjoyment from the experience. That's my thought on it anyway.