Comment #1838
Robert Paulson
2010-11-07 21:09:10

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Parent comment: 1836

Fap fap fap fap fap fap fap.... That's fucking hot, if rock candy doesn't make a flash about it, i will. I'll credit you for being the writer for it.
2010-11-07 21:47:14
Hmmm.... Perhaps that wasnt the sort of reply she (most likely he) was expecting..... I think he-she was going for a guilt inducing comment but really this isnt the place for that sort of talk..... These Flashes have no morality but that doesnt mean those who veiw it are the same and I for one would never rape anyone in the real world but I see nothing wrong with a flash animation depicting rape... Finally the femdom idea is well... just terrible, as this site is most likely male dominated then femdom would be like rock candy saying " Ok Im going to completely ignore my target audience because a girl-boy wanted a femdom flash to promote equality of rape". So sadly (for you) I dont think its going to happen.