Comment #18278
2019-02-08 22:55:29
Her abdomen/waist/hips region all look very strange. It kind of looks alien with how her stomach muscles are defined, almost segmented. Might need to use more reference for them. Her facial expression doesn't look sexy to me, looks like she's going, "Ptbbbtttbbtt". Would be better with her mouth closed or a smile. Also her lips and nipples could probably stand to be pinker or another shade, but that is nitpicking.
Rock Candy1827918278
2019-02-09 02:35:58
Could you elaborate a bit more on what looks weird with the abdomen/waist/hip area? Or is it just the muscles thing? For the mouth, I attempted to make her pouting, though I'm not used to drawing such defined lips. I do want to keep the pout, but I'm not sure how to draw it to not look like you describe it.