Comment #18223
2019-01-30 19:57:04
I'm beginning to see why RC is opposed to it now. If I had a festering cancerous fan base like this who is so opposed to even discussion and any attempt at having a discussion is met with crazy hostility, I'd not bother to "upset" them either, or you'd have to endure rampant shitflinging. Two posts down from this is one of the dumbest pseudo-intellectual posts I couldn't help but point out how brain dead someone has to be, to make it. My response was pointing out a fallacy, and yet I made "fallacious rhetoric", do you even understand the words you're using? Unless you're referring to me describing the problems I had with this new idea, and elaborating purely out of my own point of view why I had said problems; in which case I'll repeat myself: Do you even understand the words you're using? (Bonus points for pretending to be me but not even capitalizing the M) To the poster below me, I'm not using the reply function. But in all seriousness, you've contributed nothing but an attempt to "LEEPICTROLL" me because you're so asspained you have to white knight someone on the internet. None of this is productive. Neither is the usual "I LIKE BOOBIES" comments, at the very least this is some form of discussion, whether or not you "approve". (Bonus points for being "Entitled" enough to try to stop a discussion that has nothing to do with you, nor involves you) At the very least you're right about me replying. I was going to stop replying but it's hard not to when you got literal brainlets crying at you for something as simple as talking to someone that isn't them. It's such sheer stupidity it's both amusing and disconcerting. Literally BTFO out of everyone in the comment section when I just wanted to share my point of view, after being asked to. Oh the irony. What makes it funny though is the irony and the situation is lost upon the fanatic retards. If you'd like RC, I can continue this discussion in email.