Comment #18212
2019-01-30 11:37:58

This is a reply to a comment and its comment thread.

Parent comment: 18210

That seems like a huge waste. I was around for when the poll went to shit years ago and you started accepting stories for the Rudolph's Revenge flash. From what I remember in reading the comment section that the Rudolph's Revenge flash was a Sixten only idea? It also seems like that anyways, so it wouldn't surprise me if the Zu section was tacked on. So you have one of your most popular flashes, if not the most popular (imo the best of your flashes) and you're taking the idea, which was originally really good but ultimately it seems for specifically Sixten, and you chose to use the route of the tacked on option? That makes no sense at all. Sorry man, for all of the aforementioned reasons, along with this choice it just looks like this is going to be seeped in mediocrity. Especially since the bar is set so high from it's predecessor, even if it is just a random flash that you're lifting the story for. It seems like a huge waste of potential, and also just a bad idea in general that is going to shit all over your original work just for existing in mediocrity. I'm basing all of this on even just the fundamental decisions going into working on it, which ultimately make no sense. Other than it just being completely arbitrary which is going to affect the quality. But no matter what you release, people will enjoy it, mediocre or not. This is going to be a hard pass for me, not even gonna bother looking at it when it releases. Not much else to say regarding this, good luck on this, hopefully the next project you do is more interesting and isn't filled with bad decisions.
Rock Candy1821318212
2019-01-30 15:26:34
Sixten's scenario was by no means the "main" part. Zu's wasn't "tacked on", it was always made with two scenarios in mind. That's just a misconception on your part. If anything, Sixten's part was just a joke. You say that Rudolf's Revenge is my best work, I look at it and say it's mediocre. It was rushed and at the same time delayed and riddled with other problems. The art hasn't aged very well and the story was not very well planned out. Just say that you're into it for the gay, man. But I'm not laid that way myself and therefore I'm not going to do things that way. Of course you're going to pass it. But that doesn't mean there's any "bad decisions" made. It just means it doesn't cater to your tastes.
2019-01-30 17:25:44
Went back and checked the other comments, it was indeed a Sixten idea. YOU said it yourself in the comment section. Go ahead and check it yourself, I assume you're remembering wrong. Page 26 of your own site, look at the comment section of the post at the top. Then you check the results and YOU announce the results yourself, this is what you said it looks like 3 news posts later in the main post. "The most intruguing idea I got was a very elaborate scenario in which Rudolf revenge rapes Sixten. I'm pretty sure not everyone wants that, so I was thinking perhaps I could add either Sofi or Zu as an option as well. If I use Zu I can tie it in with the revengerape; Rudolf rapes Zu until she likes it infront of Sixten. Or something. Doesn't really work the same way with Sofi, but still.It'd be very simple though, as I only have 24 days to finish it!" Then you think about the idea of Rudolph's Revenge, why would he be getting revenge in the first place? If you look at your previous rudolph flash, Sixten rapes Rudolph in his sleep. I'm not sure if you're lying but that's a big big mistake on your part, you can check on your own site, this took 5 minutes. You even state that you're just adding "Zu as an option as well". Everything I said not only stands, but nothing you've said in this post makes ANY sense now, but I'll continue to rebut every OTHER point now. It's purely subjective in regards to what's your best work, I completely disagree with your points in aged art, a lot of your other flash work, even some of your newer stuff just looks absolutely wonky from your art style change. The story itself is simple, concise and silly, the rest of your work is a paragraph before hand nobody reads or just "dickinbutt" loop. I'm not saying its oscar worthy, but it's really the only one of the "stories" from your flashes I remember, so at the very least, it seems to be the best in my opinion. In regards to "UR JUST GAY". I do like the Sixten part, I never denied it. But every point I made still stands. You created a flash where he was the main star because you got a submission from a fan you liked. (Your own words) After this you're now making a tacked on story lifted from that submission work without the star of the flash. It is a sequel by your own words as well, taking place "during the zu route", which means since it's a sequel, it's a very valid criticism to go "Well where's the original star of the flash then?", and to also say without the option to choose him, it seems mediocre in comparison to something you did years ago. These are all fair criticisms, you don't have to agree with them, but they are pretty fair. It does seem like those are bad decisions when you look at it that way.
2019-01-30 18:08:34
The entitlement of this one is at a whole new level.
Rock Candy1822618215
2019-01-31 00:50:20
I remember that I based the flash off of somebody's request to me, ya. But that doesn't mean that Zu's part was tacked on. I worked on both parts simultaneously and it was planned from the start. The whole thing is an amalgation of ideas from various people. The origin of the concept started half a year earlier even, with one of my friends suggested a "big black Rudolf" thing as a joke. There's more thought behind the flash than what I wrote in the comments back then, but it certainly did not go down the way you describe it. Neither does that really matter, since you can choose who's the star of the flash yourself when playing. That was the point of it, you could choose which scenario you preferred. Nobody is more of a star than the other. You can't base these arguments on my flimsy comments during the planning stage. Well, if you thought the artstyle was better back then, then I suppose you're never going to like any future flashes I make, since RR was made during a massive shift in my artstyle. So even if it had Sixten, you'd think it was wonky-looking anyway. As for the story, yeah, it's simple and it works. But it seems like you forgot how Sixten's route ended. His ended with himself about to buttfuck Rudolf, implying a back n' forth never ending circle type of ending. Following that scenario would just lead to more of the same revenge fucking back and forth, which leaves no room to add more characters into that storyline. Sure, you can probably come up with new ways of having Rudolf and Sixten getting at each other, but in the end it'll just be about those two. I wanted to pull in another character into the whole reindeer thing. Zu's route is more openended in that regard. So you see, it's really just an excuse to get the reindeer to bang someone who hasn't previously been such. And before you ask, no, I don't consider the very first one to count, since it's pretty lame. I'm not trying to make something that competes with RR. I'm just tying this previously unrelated little project into the Zu storyline. I'm not sure why that makes you so frustrated. And if you really think about it, the real star of the flash would be Rudolf, since he's part of both routes. Really, you shouldn't compare this to RR. Beacuse it's not competing with it. See it as a spinoff if you must. But it's not a fair comparison at all.
2019-01-31 01:06:50
None of what I posted was "flimsy", they were your words. But that's completely fair in regards to your explanation. In regards to the newer artstyle, I said "some" of your newer stuff looks wonky, not "all". It does in my opinion, weird anatomy, and faces being misaligned, inconsistent eye shapes/sizes, that kinda thing. For the story that's pretty simple, as I simply commented on the lack of choice. Choice eliminates this problem of including new characters as you could choose which route happened previously (So Zu's or Sixten's). I thought I made that pretty clear. I also know you don't want to do this, but I'm just reiterating my response to this. I'm not frustrated in the slightest. Having a discussion doesn't frustrate me, you asked for people to post my thoughts, and I have. I've been civil the entire time, pointing out why I had the perspective I did, and you kept replying so I figured you wanted to know what I had to say. Both in regards to being dismissive about what I had to say, with comments like "urjustgay", and saying now that I'm "frustrated", is silly and uncalled for. (Maybe it's because I capitalized words to emphasize things? Tone is hard to tell online) That's completely fair in regards to what you said, I understand what you mean now that you've properly elaborated on what this is as a project. I have no issue with it specifically, it just seemed like a bad sequel and I pointed out why I thought that.
Rock Candy1823018227
2019-01-31 01:50:31
I said my own comments were flimsy. As an amateur artist, all of my works have inconsistencies and weird anatomy. RR is riddled with problems like these too, though. I guess, but in either case I have no plans for making a real sequel to RR. Well, you're not going to bother to look at the flash, so you won't know if the tie in is good or bad. It seemed like that, though. Saying that you wouldn't even bother with it because it doesn't have Sixten in it makes you sound upset about it. And your points were rather subjective. Oh well.
2019-01-31 01:58:03
Oh. This is true, but in my opinion it's less noticeable in certain works of yours. It's something I'm noticing is happening more in more of your newer work. That's a shame, but understandable. True. I merely pointed out how I feel about it, which is just disinterest. It doesn't mean I'm necessarily frustrated. "Subjectivity" is part of the "thoughts" you asked for. Of course a lot of my points were subjective, I went out of my way a lot of times to say "Imo, or in my opinion", and even saying my next statement is purely subjective. I mean you're asking for thoughts, normally that includes opinions. Good luck on the flash though. Also I've been watching your stuff and commenting for many many years, if I was ONLY interested in Sixten, I wouldn't have started watching or continuing to watch your content.
Rock Candy1823218231
2019-01-31 03:35:16
I've been trying to elaborate on facial expressions lately, that's probably why. Earlier flashes either had a linear looping animation, one set expression with simple blinking or a slideshow of randomly picked expressions, as seen in RR. My latest flash has had the most elaborate facial expressions, with both transitional animations and a huge variety of different expressions. I can understand if my attempt at making them stand apart from each other makes the eyes look inconsitent sometimes. But I've also tried to give each character of mine an unique set of eyes and I'm in the middle of figuring out how to animate them. Fair enough, but what I meant and disagreed with was you decided that Sixten was the star of the flash, which you seemed to base your points on. It's fine to prefer Sixten's scene, that's why it's there, but you shouldn't hold it up as the main scene. Well in either case, hope you'll like whatever the future enholds.