Comment #1809
His name was RP
2010-11-06 01:28:20

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Parent comment: 1806

Fail troll is fail. Again everything on here is irrelevant, this is basically just a spam book. You need to try harder or just don't bother, someone who spends fapping time on a grammatically challenged rage post is more pathetic than a majority of the virgins already raging on this GB. Lulz though, props for stupidity.
2010-11-06 23:18:45
Bravo, you get a cookie for ignorance and a medal on arrogance. How pathetic are you on a whim? But I ignore jackoffs who probably fap to flash 24/7 but that's just you I guess. Go fuck yourself over a million times and see if you can get a brain, hm?
His name was RP
2010-11-07 11:27:28
You just made my day. Hypocrisy at it's finest, ignorant and naive to be judging from what someone else says, now you call me pathetic, when your going to a RAPE guest book and showing raging ignorant fanboyism because of another RAPE artist (A fucking beaner at that) told you her feelings got hurt. Then you call ME pathetic , and stupid. HAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA. My god, i'm eagerly awaiting your next idiotic post, i'll be over here, jerking off with your tears in the mean time, downie boy, comedy like this is fuckin' rare, haha.