Comment #1784
2010-11-03 20:12:12
Rock Candy, you have said that you're still willing to work on Project X, and Zeta still says that she would like Zu in the game. This all sounds like a misunderstanding, where perhaps both you and Zeta overreacted a bit. Even after all this, it sounds like Zeta is willing to extend an olive branch, but I think she wants an apology from you for calling her greedy. And it wouldn't have to be a public apology; just send her a private message and the rest of us will never know it happened. I know what you meant what you said it; she has benefited from a good amount of new fan artwork of her character due to the game, but also keep in mind that most of this artwork is by people who asked HER if they could appear in her game. It seems like a fair trade to me, considering all the people who were asking her. Calling her greedy, whether you intended or not, came across as very nasty and hurt her, and if you didn't mean it to be nasty, then you need to tell her. What is it that you expect from Zeta? Is there anything that you believe she owes you an apology for? It seems that you must. Come on, man; the two of you did some very good work together, and I see absolutely no reason why the two of you can't work it out.
2010-11-03 20:55:07
Well said.But Last i talked with Rock it sounds like he's already under way to smoothing things over. Let's just hope and encourage them both to get along. FOR THE GREATNESS OF ARTISTS EVERYWHERE!