Comment #17607
Rock Candy1760717606
Request Box
2018-08-29 15:02:11

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Parent comment: 17606

I see. She can create bodies, but she cannot touch people when in ghost form. She also cannot change her own shape. So this skullfucking is not possible.
Request Box
2018-08-29 18:25:13
You could always just make this scenario be non-canon to your characters' "Continuity" and give Lollo the abilities she's missing to be able to make it work. But if you were wanting to make the scenario work within the "Continuity", then you could just have it be where Zara still gets something new and exciting sexually by having sex with, not only a ghost, but a futa-ghost that can duplicate herself.
Rock Candy1760917608
Request Box
2018-08-29 19:11:10
I'd rather keep things in check. I didn't make up all the rules and inner workings just to break them. It's sort of a clusterfuck even without that skullfucking thing, and it works well enough without it.
Request Box
2018-08-29 23:49:35
Fair enough. Just wanted to throw the option out there. :) I agree. The intangible dick/skullfucking bit was just my way of giving a unique way to fuck someone that you'd find interesting since some of your works can get pretty unique themselves. XD