Comment #1744
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Rock Candy17441743
02010-11-02 18:00:15
Yah, I helped her with spritework, gave her ideas for the game, made a flash for her, one that she didn't like.
I sure am a piece of shit ;3
02010-11-02 18:05:09
You also didn't upkeep your half of the deal. No amount of your bullshit reasoning is going to change anything. The game is better off without your retarded character anyway. Go draw her getting hit with a bat or something, faggot.
Rock Candy17481746
02010-11-02 18:08:00
I asked if I could change, she said yes.
If she said no, I wouldn't change it. Simple as that.
Just because Zeta is butthurt or whatever, it doesn't mean that she's ALL right. Her engrish skills are not very good, what happened is that she misunderstood my question, and then this happened.
02010-11-02 18:08:59
He already did that dudebro, where have you been on your RockCandology? Also stop trollin' tis' my job I thought I mentioned this before...
02010-11-02 19:58:22
I am not on any side, I am just stating what I know so there's no need to troll me.
if he did kept his half of the deal. then I would like to see a link leading to a game Rock did that has Zeta in it. from what I am seeing; the deal involved Zeta using Zu in her game, and Rock using Zeta in one of his games.
From what I heard, Rock messed up on it, Zeta asked him to do a simple re-skin, and Rock didn't want do it because Zeta was a sonic fanchar. or something
this about right?
02010-11-02 19:20:44
I find these so called "White Knights" To be a bunch of one dimensional weirdos. Why you would follow one artist so rampantly is beyond reasonable understanding.
As for this whole he-said she-said argument, I think we can boil it down to miscommunication. Besides what's done is done. No need to rant about it now. XP
02010-11-02 19:39:44
We aren't weirdos. We appreciate someone who comes out of nowhere and starts making a game, free of all charge, listening to our concerns, wants and needs, and is generally a nice person. We know she doesn't work alone, but she handles most of the publicity. That being said, we know the kind of person she is, and she's not the type to make this kind of stuff up. So do the world a favor, and shut your fucking face. You don't feed trolls, you'll learn that, moron.
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Parent comment: 1743