Comment #17325
2018-06-06 06:23:20
Man, that title kinda worried me. Also why are people complaining? A lot of shit happens.I mean it took me 3 weeks to get a medical issues checked out and finally get results. Some of you guys forget that he's not a coder, he's not a voice actor for females, he's an artist and animator. Like if it takes a single doctor who is slammed weeks for me to get my results back despite him having everything. Imagine having to rely on people so much, that by the time you get what you need your skills improved so you want to redo everything to bring that project back up to snuff with what the people expect. Should he complain too the others? Maybe, but at the same time he probably doesn't because he doesn't want to lose people he's used to working with. He's at least put out pictures, sketches, animations, and he probably feels like shit which kills his motivation. Mix that with having an actual life, yeah it's kinda not surprising that it's taking forever. But he constantly keeps us up to date. Does this mean he isn't at fault, No. Like RC I love your work and all, but maybe before you put out interactive flashes again, your next project should be an animated video. At least until you get a proper coder, with that you'd only have to rely on voice actresses and whom ever else. Will it limit your creativity? Yes and no. Yes because it won't be as interactive, and what is in the vid is what we get. No, because at least you'll be letting your work flow instead of being stagnant, and when you finally do get to the point of getting a coder, you won't be feeling bleh. You'll be in motion already. Ya know, a body in motion stays in motion, a body at rest stays at rest kind of thing. But, that's my two cents. I still wish you immense luck and joy in the future. As for me, I need to go do some work of my own and get over a fear of needles. Hopefully you're still around to tell us the next update.
2018-06-06 06:37:19
Also I realize I might have worded it wrong, I meant so your animated work doesn't go stagnant. I realize you still put out sketches and pictures and appreciate that, just personally I separate the pictures and animations as different works.