Comment #1717
Request Box
2010-11-01 16:52:16
Could ya possibly do a sex game in which a MALE is the victim, where one of your characters (like Fu for instance) is in a mistress-like role? Y'know, femdom? Just to please the guys (like me) who have that kind of fetish? Besides, you've already done countless rape games where a female is the victim. Why not switch it around, maybe to show everyone that you do not in any way endorse rape (you don't right?). Feel free to ignore me; just throwing it out there. Good luck!
Request Box
2010-11-05 07:36:23
Sorry, I meant ZU!
Rock Candy18231717
Request Box
2010-11-07 04:11:18
What, why would making another rape flash show people that I don't endorse rape....? That makes no sense. 'femdom' is not something that I find amusing at all and I don't know much bout it, so I woll probably not make anything like that.