Comment #16734
Rock Candy1673416731
2018-03-26 16:27:54

This is a reply to a comment and its comment thread.

Parent comment: 16731

Interesting as in, it's something that's driven by either interesting concept or is fun with certain characters. I'm just drawing some single images most of the time, there's not going to be a huge backstory for each, but there's at least something in them. You're clearly not even interested in things that's not gay oriented, so of course you won't find it interesting.
2018-03-26 16:37:10
"You only like the gay stuff" That's actually not true at all, I've seen your content for many many years now, back when you used to exclusively post on /f/. I like a lot of your content in general, but mostly your older stuff. Though I should've properly elaborated and said "I really can't enjoy your other stuff as of recent". Quite a few of your flashes have interesting concepts, but a lot of them don't, including your pictures. I'll try to elaborate. Your norm is butt sex. Either con or non-con. Very rarily do you stray outside of this, and the only thing that would make butt sex more interesting are different positions, different characters and different scenarios. Due to the fact that you've been doing it for years. As of late you've done different positions and different characters, but almost no interesting scenario's. You gotta remember that since you've been doing it for so long, you're kinda redoing the same stuff over and over, how would you consider that interesting? That's one of the reasons why I said the Rudolph flash was good, not just the gay stuff but I also liked the Zu section as well, because it had continuity and an actual scenario that was outside of your norm with a story. It was something different, something interesting. Now everything is just a rehash of the same ideas or positions or what have you. It's all bland. Hell one of the biggest reasons why I was suggesting more Sixten is because at least it's different.
Rock Candy1673616735
2018-03-26 16:57:27
Well, that's how it came across, at least. And like I said, I often just draw a single image, so it's not that easy to add an elaborate scenario to those. For me, it's the drawing process, the knowledge that someone else liked my character enough to want them to come up with their own idea including them, or putting an unique spin on a concept. Examples of those would be, the wedding Ellie, the Zu footjob and Zu's job interview. You think all of those are bland? What about the comic with Ellie? I always work to make my drawings either fun or interesting. Maybe you're just burnt out on my characters. As for Sixten, he's just not the type of guy I like seeing getting it up the butt. He's not gay or bi and I prefer seeing girls as subs. I've gotten a lot of Sixten requests, but none of them have caught my interest. Ranging from wanting him as a femboy to Zu pegging him, I don't really feel any of those. Also, it takes a lot of effort to make a flash that's got a complete story to it. I'd like to make more of those, but I can't really poop those out frequently. Not quite sure what I could do to make things seem less bland to you. Why don't you gimmie some examples of what you'd find unique then. I'm always open for suggestions.
2018-03-26 17:23:57
I just want to say that I'm not implying you're not trying, nor am I trying to offend or anything. I am an actual fan of your work. That being said, yeah I know that you often draw single images. I check your website every week for updates on your projects. I also know that it is difficult to incorporate interesting scenarios into every image, and its ridiculous to expect that. I wasn't saying that ALL of it has to be interesting, I just meant that as of late it seems like you're retreading the same ground over and over. In my opinion a lot of the same things have been done already multiple times. It may be that I'm burnt out on your characters. It has been years after all and anything different comes as a nice surprise. What differentiates the wedding Ellie from other pictures about her? Just that she has a wedding dress and she got fucked a lot? I mean she already gets fucked and degraded a lot, you've done that with pretty much all of your characters, including degrading writing on them also for humiliation. Hell I remember this being done to Zu when you released that flash way back when where she gets clobbered over the head by a bat at the beginning of it. It seems like you may change little details but the premise is the same. I haven't seen you do Footjobs much, so that would be something different. The Zu blowjob picture is again just Zu giving a blowjob, you've done this multiple times, like I said before, the only thing changing this into something different is just a speech bubble. Maybe I just find that if you're trying to do smut that's "interesting" outside of just smut with small variations, you would do a build up for said smut. What I mean by this is like a comic or anything of the sort. Something that gives reasons and story to the characters and then leads into interesting scenarios. As of now it's just all porn doodles with tiny variations with the same set of characters. Again this is all just my opinion though, people who just want mindless porn will disagree with me and that's completely fine, but it doesn't make sense if you're striving for "interesting" things that are also pornographic. People find appeal in non-con, you do it a lot so you should know. So obviously there's an appeal there for non-con gay stuff with Sixten. Considering you made a flash dedicated to it. As for the scenarios, I mean hey, artists struggle with these things all the time. If you're open to suggestions I'm sure there's people that would pitch interesting ideas not just for Sixten but in general. As the Sixten flash idea was a suggestion you liked from a fan contacting you right? Just hopefully it's not just "DICK IN BUTT". Understandable that you can't put those out often, I'm not saying you should be putting out a lot either. Just that those in specific seem to stand out above your other flashes. The best I can give you in terms of a suggestion would be something overarching with your characters, develop a story and include smut and interactions with said characters. A continuing story. Maybe every now and then do a comic panel if you feel like it? Establish a world with the characters you've spent so much time on, and have them interact, then have them fuck but establish more than just the fucking and give people a reason to actually care about your characters outside of a mile long bio. This would be a suggestion that would alleviate one of the other problems you have as well. That problem being that you like to develop your characters but don't really do anything after you build a story around them. Which like I said was interesting in the Rudolph flash because you had Sixten interact with Rudolph then Rudolph interact with Sixten. There was something more than just a single smut picture, even if it wasn't comprehensive, meaningful or deep. Hope that helps.
Rock Candy1674116737
2018-03-27 03:30:41
Ye I know. Can't really help retreading the same ground when you do porn, though. There's not a lot you can do different, outside of scenarios. And sometimes you just want to draw smut. I'm not a story writer or a comic guy, so there's not going to be much of a story through a lot of pictures, just small self-contained stories in a few or single drawings. If you're not happy with those, there's not much I can do. Would be different? I've already done it though, so it is different. I said Zu's job interview, not blowjob. The speechbubble is part of the self-contained story anyway, it's there to spice things up. But if you don't care about that, then you're kinda disregarding my attempt at adding a story or context to it. Like I said, that's not really my strong suite, or what I focus on when drawing things. Character traits or personality is still what drives me to draw something I find interesting, even if there's not much of a build up to it. It just seems like what's there is not enough for your taste. I don't remember much of what I thought when I made Rudolf's Revenge, but I think I just found the idea funny. His inclusion fit the scenario of the previous christmas flash, so that's why he's there. I'm still not super into stuff like that, hence why I'm hesitant to draw stuff like it. It stands out because it was made with a different mind set from the get go. My Lollo flash is also heavily story driven, and it was not easy to make a working story out of what was already there. The thing is, I don't want to make people think all the smut outside of their bios is canon. The end of the bios is like status quo. You can work out a story or scenario from there, but none of that will change the main story. With the way I do things, I can't really elaborate on story or character interaction outside of small speechbubbles. I'd have to change medium completely, to making comics, VNs or games to fully explore all of that. I can't do that all on my own. Making flashes already takes up a good chunk of my time. I'd like to do something more fleshed out with my characters, and I have many different ideas. But as of right now, unless somebody wants to collaborate with me on something like that, there's not much I can do. I've made my characters so that other people can create their own ideas or stories with them. They're flexible enough to work in most scenarios. As for the world they live in, I'm planning on getting to that. Along with making a map of the city they live in, I'll type up what sort of world they reside within. It's pretty much just a slightly alternative version of the normal world though. The thing also is that, if I want to do something more serious and true to their character, there wouldn't be any sex or smut. Other than Zara and the pairing of Zu and Sixten, there would be no further sexual interaction between the characters. I do my best with what I have. I'm not a comic maker and I don't want to linger on one thing for too long. Doing one offs works great, since my main focus is flash making, not drawing comics or such.