Comment #1535
Request Box
2010-10-19 11:26:20
Hello, this request may look a little weird, but if possible could you make a character that would try to defend Zu on her school? Like a male character that is new on school and he becomes a teacher and the first thing he sees is Zu being raped and he tries to stop it or something like that. Probably I am not the first one requesting for a character and with so many other request I doubt that mine will be chosen for you to do it, but if it is, here are some suggestion that may help you creating such character: Name: Albert Age: 19 Height: 1.85 meters Weight: 75kg Birthday: 09/March Eye color: Brown Hair color: Brown Favorite set of cloths: Albert likes to wear pretty much anything that he thinks it’s comfortable, but he uses the most: A long red overcoat with black stripes over it. A black sleeveless T-Shirt A pair of jeans pants A pair of white socks A complete black pair of shoes And a pair of reading glasses Location: Sweden, recently moved to the city that the 4 cat girls live Occupation: Teacher Hobbies: Albert likes to read a lot of old books and listen to music, classic ones, rock, and almost any kind of it Likes: To teach people and to learn more Dislikes: Any kind of person the bully others, whenever he sees something like that he cannot stay still without helping the target of the bullies. And whenever someone nags too much, if it’s not him that is Goal in life: Even he being a teacher, his goal in life is to become a doctor, but even he being smart enough for it, he first needs to have some experience together with a real doctor. Relationships: Albert don’t have many friends and the ones he had he left in his old town, so you can pretty much say that he have no friend now. Personality: Albert is a very silent person; some people already asked him if he was mute, because he almost doesn’t talk unless it is necessary. Other than that, he is very friendly people that always have a word of advice or something smart to say. Backstory: Albert always had problems with his parents, they were never at home, and that caused Albert to learn how to almost anything that was necessary at his house, such as fixing things, cooking and many other things. Albert always was fascinated by the martial arts, so he decided to learn some in order to become strong. After his thirteen years old, his entire life changed when his family died in a horrible accident, which was why he decided to become a doctor, to try to save people so they don’t end up like his family. After he turned nineteen, he was already close to a genius, and some renowned doctors already told him that he could become one, but he first would need experience. So he decided to go on in search of a doctor who could teach him some more things to he finally fulfill his dream of being a doctor. Current life: Most of his time used is for looking for an experienced doctor to teach him more things, find a job as a teacher while he isn’t a doctor or trying to find an apartment for him to live. If I left anything out and you decide to attend my request, please fill it if isn’t a problem.
Rock Candy15361535
Request Box
2010-10-19 12:01:10
No one will save Zu from the school bullies. I don't need another character, I already made Sixten.
Request Box
2010-10-30 22:46:57
At first I wanted someone to help her at first too ,but now that I think about too many stories have that hero type to save someone in need. I like yours Rockcandy cause it breaks the mold for once.