Comment #15295
Adult Animations
2016-10-11 19:43:49
If one is alright with it being stated, then it that same individual should be okay when another says it. I honestly dislike the whole 'You are white, you have no right to say that!' I find that extremely stupid, and it promotes a double standard, and no black , white, or whatever race you are should be offended for the single usage of "Nigger" especially when it was used in a joking demeanor. I can't be the one to tell you that you need to respect the fact that people can make jokes, though I can offer some amount of clarity. The 'N' word is either offensive to everyone, or offensive to no one; The history of it has died down, and it is grossly apparent that a vast majority of people have lost offense towards the word; otherwise it'd be as non-existent as custard in a fast food place.