Comment #15128
2016-08-28 18:31:50
Same here with the weird dreams lately lol. I had one where I was for some reason being hunted by some big company. Then I was at some festival eating a hot dog, then I jumped a car through to office buildings with a bomb in the back so I could blow up the main one. Also Harley Quinn was there, but that was probably just because shes hot. Either way, I woke up and was left just wondering the fuck was going on. hahah. Anyway, that's my story done. Bye.
Rock Candy1514015128
2016-08-29 14:35:30
I used to keep a dream diary so I've got a decent dream memory. Though it was a long time ago so now I only remember fragments. The most memorable part of one of m recent dreams was that a naked Zu and a friendly engineer got mowed down by a heavy with big green anime eyes. It was such a twist ending I woke up pretty shocked, hoahoa.