Comment #1454
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Rock Candy14541453
02010-10-14 12:21:56
Oh. Well, I was a shitty artist two years ago...
02010-10-14 12:28:14
And I am a shitty artist now.
Funny how time takes it's toll...
Point being: You clearly aren't anymore.
Rock Candy14581456
02010-10-14 12:53:59
I don't think I am very good though. And I don't think you are shitty.
It depends on who you ask, I guess.
02010-10-14 12:59:28
It seems we artists tend to look down upon our work.
As I said, your work is very good, but you (like me) have not captured the one element that makes it jump off the page.
Rock Candy14621459
02010-10-14 13:35:53
Well, you see all the flaws in your own work. For the most part. Sometimes you don't see it at all.
Thanks though!
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Parent comment: 1453