Comment #14383
Adult Animations
1252016-03-15 13:09:51
When you take into account that many gays are in the closet
those statistics have a tendency to be not as accurate as one might thing.
Adult Animations
1252016-03-15 13:19:24
Also if you're unable to load the animation you might be running into the 'shit pc effect' Now you see the 'shit pc effect' is what happens when you buy a laptop or computer of ebay for 20 dollars. And there is only one know cure for the 'shit pc effect' And that is to
1: Unplug the computer effected by the 'shit pc effect'
2: Proceed to throw said computer out of a window.
3: Light it on fire.
4: Spend 300 or more on a decent computer.
Adult Animations
1252016-04-01 08:12:42
I'm not sure if people who didn't come out of the closet could really bump the statistic up a bit. Maybe by 2 percent?
Adult Animations
1252016-06-08 01:50:41
Word. And seeing as RockCandy doesn't do commissions, this ~business perspective~ of yours is wholly irrelevant. I suspect you'd do better putting in a request for what you /do/ want to see rather than bitching about works of his that don't cater to your interests.
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Parent comment: 12084