Comment #14315
Adult Animations
2015-11-03 19:20:21
Got both endings, the 150 cumshots is obviously a joke. With both of them in the first scene you click on the pliers, then the tape, then the crack in the wood directly next to the tape to get either one to mention the Yo!.
In Sophie's scene you just have to find look at the far left stalag-whatever at the top of the screen and click the one that's the SECOND closest to the ground. If you clicked any other part of it than you messed up and have to restart. From that all you have to do is click the Y and ! shaped crack that the rock falls next to for her to mention the Yo! and then just finish the scene.
Crosstail's has more stuff, the order doesn't matter. Click the demon on the fence, the blue tree to the left, and the single TOOTH of the bunny statue on the right. You'll know it's the tooth if when the tiny rectangle is the only thing highlighted. The bunny statue's eye will turn red, then you click it. Now, just click the twig, the fruit, and whatever the fuck came out of the statue to see the Yo!. End the scene. You're welcome.
Adult Animations
2015-11-03 19:23:29
Incase you somehow don't know how to end the scenes you just click the bottom right arrow until any of the three demons cum twice. In the last two a button literally labelled "END" will appear next to the arrow.
Adult Animations
2015-11-06 05:43:14
that don't make since at all there is no sec one close to the ground you mean the first one top left the one that breaks off and makes the yo?
Adult Animations
2015-11-06 08:03:03
i dont get it. The first i see the yo! but then on hell what do i need to do again? Click the 1st stalagmite on the far top left, the far bottom right one and then the rocks for her say something, then finish? (do i nee to make the demon cum twice for the end button to appear and then do the 3 steps?)
Adult Animations
2015-11-19 16:25:18
Okay, so the stalagmite is shaped in layers. Like
right? Well, you want to click the layer that is right before the last layer. The piece of the stalagmite should fall and form the word "YO!" with the cracks.
Hope that helped.
Adult Animations
2016-08-21 17:35:09
The hell yo! with the bat freak doesn't work. something seems off about your explanation.
Adult Animations
2020-02-08 18:53:45
Adult Animations
2023-05-07 18:06:39
i get text saying yo, do i just hit the next arrow