Comment #14140
The Koala
2015-09-27 19:23:13
Hey there RC. You shouldn't use your head when you're hungry,sad or isn't just the day for it,trust me,when im in that mood i tend to make seriuous mistakes.Not that you did any though.Just an advice. About your new character profile pics,i seen a great change on your characters,not just they are better draw'ed but they seem different. My point is that they use to be err "cute" before and then looking at these new pics they look so very much "mature".Of course that just my point of view,and its prob my problem. Honestly i would like to see your characters in a situation that is not so "sex" related.I liked your humor sense in other flashes but most of them didn't have anything to do with your "star" characters. My intention is not to make you change what you do,but to experience new things.Who knows maybe with a "common" scenario you may find new "props & scripts" for what you do best.Again this is just my point of view and should not be taked seriously. About the "31 oct eve"(whe dont have halloween) flash, i would say that if YOU think that you got enough time for it,you may try,but if you dont,just save it for next year.Hold on a paper or perhaps do a drawing of what you intent to do and save it for later,or next year,you dont actually have to release it on 31 oct pointly,but if you do,im sure there will be more "shitty" comments of "why butt bus isnt finished yet?" like. I apologize for my large and mostly useless comments,thats just how i am. Cheers*
Rock Candy1414714140
2015-09-28 03:18:47
You're not the first one to want my characters in something non-sexual, but I am not a guy who's good with manuscripts. I can make decent porn scenarios, but that's it. As for the Butt Bus, it is in no shape or form going to be done before the year ends anyway.