Comment #14104
2015-09-19 18:58:25
One more thing I have to say, or clarify rather. It won't let me edit my comment, but well... I'm not entirely against "A bird was sitting on my porch, look at the pictures I've made!" posts. But separate it. How about weekly updates on your current projects, and updates from your personal life whenever you feel like it? Or project updates on wednesdays and personal updates on saturdays? Something like that, as long as we get updates on the things you are working on. I can't say I care about how long were you playing Smash yesterday. I, however, care about the fact, that you did at least some progress on your next piece of art. Or hell, even about the fact, that someone screwed up and you weren't able to do anything. As long as it's some update, and it's not "was busy training making tortellini whole week, so no updates he he" - anything goes. Updates that have no content related to your projects separate from updates on your project and your project only. This way you don't have to change anything, people who are here only for butts can just skip your gaming endeavours and check the progress, people who like reading about your adventures in a grocery store buying carrots can still enjoy these stories. Problem solved, everyone's happy.
2015-09-19 22:21:44
Know who is not happy? the person you are attempting to press-gang and guilt trip into pushing himself harder than he feels he is able to or in fact wants to. Grow up and deal with life. Some people, like RC, work for FREE to bring us the best of their abilities. He DESERVES to be treated with respect and allowed his off time. Also, the fact that every single one of these detractor posts mention 'Lol played smash and didn't do anything else' when he hasn't mentioned smash bros for months? Rather suspicious...almost like you are all the same person. Also you are clearly in the minority so, as the British say, 'Jog on mate'.