Comment #14081
2015-09-14 19:33:05
not gonna lie, i come for the butts, i see the effort you put into your work, and i kinda know how hard it is to get going. not just saying that, literally have to tell myself and sometimes bite my tounge to pull away from something to do remedial tasks. like i'll have to force myself to get up and brush my teeth, but when it comes to doing lawn work or vacuuming, laundry, and replacing filters, i actually enjoy it a bit. i even have some troubles getting into hobbies, or even being motivated to get outta bed. a lot of times i'm just alone, but time to time when someone actually has time to spare it is easier to hunker down and get some things done. BUT that does not mean it's a lost cause when you enter a slump, sometimes some friends and/or family can get you going, wether it's someone close, or a nice stranger you just played a rousing game with and has agreed to just chat with you. sometimes it's not just motivation, sometimes you just need the presence of someone to act as a buffer, i find just being in the vicinity with someone helps deviate my own procrastination. other times it's just knowing "alright this is towards a goal, i got this, i'm gonna kick this things ass, even if i just dice it up into parts.", which sometimes you can find it in yourself to go so far as to ignore your own bodily needs to finish the task, although it isn't very healthy, it is impressive. while i can't know your own personal plight, i get the difficulty, and i get the feeling of having this....doubt? hurdle? i don't even know what to call it, it's like this ghostly entity that looms over you, impeding your progress no matter what even when you want to do the thing that seems like impending doom based on your troubles of grasping the task and shifting into full steam on it. all i can say to really help is, know your mind, your body, and your own self. don't worry if you can't make progress, so long as it gets done and you are happy with the effort you put into your own work. we are simply viewers and supporters of your artistry! some of us may become testy, some of us may give critique or overdramatic statements, but if you tell us something needs to be done that's your call, cause it's your work, your world that you are creating with your hands. while i cannot speak for everyone, i can say this. all i want is for you to do your best, and let us know you are healthy and what you have done. even if there are some angry at you, you can always post to us and while the comments may not be what you expect, do know, people admire you not only for your work, but for the person behind it as well.