Comment #12923
Jack Black
Request Box
2015-01-31 09:24:25

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Parent comment: 12919

Because inflation is pretty hot. Would it be butts, tits or belly or (preferably) all at once. It's more for the inflation value.
Rock Candy1293312923
Request Box
2015-01-31 18:31:48
I'm all for the belly, the rest is kinda meh to me. And then it's all cumflation~. You might like the GBlastMan trade though.
Jack Black
Request Box
2015-02-01 15:56:30
Thanks, I'll check it out. I do recall you doing tit inflations in the past though on several occasions(mostly along with belly cuminfaltions, but still). I'm just saying. You might please a range of people if you did some more butt and tit inflations too(at least along with the regular cum inflation). Thanks