Comment #12329
0 < Request Box
Rock Candy1232912328
Request Box
02014-10-27 09:15:12
Why not?
Request Box
02014-10-27 13:29:04
Look, I have my reasons, but please, not in the frontbutt. Being raped in the butt bad enough, so don't make it worse for the poor girl!
P.S. SixtenxZu plz.
Rock Candy1233412330
Request Box
02014-10-27 15:48:14
I'm not writing it for you personally.
Request Box
02014-10-27 17:01:10
I know. Just...the poor thing has gone through enough: neglectful parents who hated her, being stupid from lack of education (or something like that),AAAAAAND rape. Wow. Now that I think about it...holy shit, WHAT OTHER SHIT IS GONNA HAPPEN TO HER? I mean the mean parents, retardation, rape, what's next, will she be tortured by an SnM fanatic, or get beat up and raped by the bullies AFTER she met Sixten?
Wait.....Damn it, I'm giving him ideas!
Request Box
02014-10-28 12:51:12
You're clearly writing the story your own way. How about we let RC ponder a bit until he asks for ideas from us? Remember, RC will go crazy if we storm his mind with too much ideas. :\
Well, at least that's what he said on the Request Box rules.
Rock Candy1235312351
Request Box
02014-10-28 18:09:16
I've got quite a bit of different ideas for all the characters. I don't really need outside help for them. I wouldn't go change anything unless it's really dumb or out of character.
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Parent comment: 12328