Comment #1223
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Rock Candy12231222
02010-09-27 15:53:13
02010-09-27 17:25:47
wat. WAT. WHAT!? How could you let me down like this RC? That was what I was looking forward to most.
Rock Candy12251224
02010-09-27 17:29:59
It's old, it's ugly and it's so messy from being edited so many times.
It's just not possible to continues working on it.
02010-09-28 11:50:12
I mildly understand due to working with flash a few times. Shit can be frustrating, but I still didn't give up. In the end, I came out with a pile of shit, but it was MY pile of shit that I made. In any case, I suppose this is understandable, but it is very, very disappointing.
Rock Candy12351234
02010-09-28 11:53:44
Well, I don't feel like working on something I don't like.
So I'll just skip this and start working on something else instead. The tentacle mode, maybe.
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Parent comment: 1222