Comment #11726
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02014-08-15 10:50:18
of corse,no are easy,i got experience making GIFs,i can make new sprites with current sprites,but make a new Zu no.
Only in the PX forum i can search,i´m study in faculty next in other when study grafic design but i don´t know anybody
Depends what you change in Zu,the moves and special atacks,you will be change too?
for make the new sprites must be catch the Zu essence and personality,that special that make different of the rest of chars the same with the voice
and the rapes only anal
Rock Candy1172811726
02014-08-15 12:11:59
Well, I can design the new Zu. But I can't work full time on her sprites.
I'd change a few things about the animations that exist already though. But we can talk about that later, if this actually goes through.
I'd happily make Zu only get it in the ass, but Zeta doesn't like the idea as much, hoahoa.
02014-08-15 19:43:20
i see what you are demanding, is probable that you make a great job,but on this step,find someone is some dificult,you will be are specific,if is necesary flexible
of corse you can make some sprites for guide,this is the idea,and is if possible give some example in games
i am demanding too if i´m going do,i´m gonna do right,if not,i´m don´t make it, and my job would be find someone willing
is probably that i try make the sprites,as fan ,i will be know if is right or not
Rock Candy1173611731
02014-08-15 23:23:04
Yeah, don't worry, I'll try to make an updated version of Zu to begin with.
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Parent comment: 11712