Comment #11531
damnnnnnnnnnnnit 94
2014-07-03 06:24:08

This is a reply to a comment and its comment thread.

Parent comment: 11525

Well... Five things for you sir: First, I do not want to have an argument with some unknown person in the internets. Second, I am no sexist. I am sure about that. Third, I kicked her right in her face. Fourth, she apologized and even managed to smile after that. Fifth, this conversation is over. *** P-l-e-a-s-e ***
2014-07-03 23:04:18
This will be my last time making an argument on this, in respect for Rock Candy himself. If your not sexist you wouldn't have kicked her for not doing anal. She apologized in fear. She shouldn't need to apologize for not doing something she doesn't feel comfortable with. How would you like it if she put on a strap on and said she wanted to stick it into your anus. You say no an she kicks you. It's the same thing. No matter how much sex the other person has. And the smile was fake.
damnnnnnnnnnnnit 94
2014-07-05 13:09:05
You do not even know sexism or me or she. Spare your time and give some love to all people around the world. Right in their butts. They will like it if they can feel your love.
2014-07-05 21:39:58
I just want to get one thing straight. Going back on my last time thing. Do you believe that males should be the dominant sex? There is something wrong with that if you do, that's called sexism. And I feel sorry for any girl that has to be in a relationship with you, you abusive mother fucker. (Kicking for a shit reason is abuse)