Comment #10042
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2013-11-10 22:00:57
hey rockcandy i really like your flashes and just wanted to say that i read all of your charactors bios and backstories i really feel like i know za zu zoo ellie and sextin the storys are so well written why do you write a novel? i would really love to read it if you do just a sugestion! and thanks for your hard work
2013-11-10 22:01:58
i meant dont you write a novel
Rock Candy1006110043 1031910061
2013-11-11 04:26:30
Because I really don't have the storytelling abilities to make an interesting read. Right now I'm just trying to make my characters make a tad more sense than before. There'll be lots of changes in the bios in the future.
2013-11-24 03:19:46
ok i was just wondering and by the way i love how you tell stories they are just amazing and wanted to say keep up the good work