Froboo meets his brother, Broboo, and asks him to fix his bike!
Uploaded 21st of March 2010 - 00:00 | 7143 views | Rating: 5 | 6 comments.
Ness' Adventure Part 4!

A really really short one.

Hidden Yo!'s: 3
Uploaded 21st of March 2010 - 00:00 | 7640 views | Rating: 4.16 | 1 comment.
Ness' Adventure Part 3!

I added sound to this, because I'm cool like that.
I was just testing though.

Hidden Yo!'s: 5
Uploaded 21st of March 2010 - 00:00 | 6651 views | Rating: 4.76 | 6 comments.
Ness' Adventure Part 1!
I don't have so much to say about it now...

Hidden Yo's: 4
Uploaded 21st of March 2010 - 00:00 | 8075 views | Rating: 2.96 | 3 comments.
The first Ness VS.- animation I saved as a .swf!

It's not very good, but it's always something.
Uploaded 17th of March 2010 - 00:00 | 8538 views | Rating: 3.33 | 1 comment.
Froboo's adventure continues!
In this part, we learn that Froboo has a girlfriend!
He also meet Wally. He's not happy, because Froboo's borrows his tractor without permission.
Uploaded 14th of March 2010 - 00:00 | 7319 views | Rating: 4.06 | 1 comment.
My friend, Raz, and I thought that Froboo was a pretty funny character, so we made a part 2, in which Froboo gets abducted by aliens!
They want Froboo's afro!
And they don't think clothes are necessary!

Hidden Yo!'s: 1
Uploaded 14th of March 2010 - 00:00 | 6915 views | Rating: 4.45 | 7 comments.
Froboo's first animation. I made it because I had not finished any animations for a long time.
Uploaded 14th of March 2010 - 00:00 | 7405 views | Rating: 4.6 | 4 comments.