Escuse the crappy picture of her, she is really hard to draw on the computer for some reason.

Well, I'm done with the catgirl biographies now!

I've fixed flash & stuff on my new computer this week, so I've not got much stuff done... D:
But this one is so much better than my other one, so hopefully it wont crash as often now!

Posted 11th of May 2010 - 15:03 by Rock Candy
Vin Wins wrote:
what would've happned if she got shot (for whatever reason youcan imagine*
It depends on where she gets hit and if the bullet goes through her or not.
what would've happned if she got shot (for whatever reason youcan imagine*
well i'm 13 okay what if someone(anyone)comes in & rips her tail off what would happen to her tail??feels bad if ellie died i got this website from youtube!lol
someone wrote:
wait, so her bodily fluids heal people, right?
so, what would happen if her somach acid got poured on someone (Dont ask how the heck this situation would happen.)?
Everything from Ellie has healing abilities, so yes, her stomach acid would heal too.
wait, so her bodily fluids heal people, right?
so, what would happen if her somach acid got poured on someone (Dont ask how the heck this situation would happen.)?
American Fanboy wrote:
Hmm... so if someone (for whatever reason) chops off her finger and eats her finger, that person would be cured of anything that ails them, and Ellie would eventually grow her finger back?
Yes, it would grow back instantly!
Hmm... so if someone (for whatever reason) chops off her finger and eats her finger, that person would be cured of anything that ails them, and Ellie would eventually grow her finger back?
I feel so sorry for her D:
Get it in your head that picture doesn't suck. >:C