Tweaking Sofi's Part...
I mentioned how I was using a new way of lipsyncing last time, ye? Well, I'm now all done with the lipsyncing. I've successfully lipsynced around probably 400 voice clips in just a few days. Pretty good, I'd say!

I might not have told you about this before, but the new version of the game won't be released as a swf; it's now an executable, and should also work with HTML5... I just need to get a new version of to support it, but that's also on its way. Thanks to all of the patrons, I'm able to hire a guy who's working on a new version of the site which will most likely be a lot more userfriendly and be worth sticking around at.

Anyway, since it's not in flash anymore, there's a lot of tweaking and optimizing that needs to be made to make sure the game runs well, and that there aren't ugly visual glitches amongst other things. It is why it's taking a long time to get this thing out, FallowWing has been working on porting flash to this new format basically singlehandedly.
We've also added a lot more customization to Sofi's part, along with fixing a lot of small issues and adding further details. A few examples are, eyebrows changing color with the hair, pube styles and being able to turn off the belly button squirt.

Here's a screenshot of what it looks currently; although we might see a lot of small changes before it's ready to be released. And I can't really say when that will be, either.

Wow! It's like Sofi is our guinea pig as we experiment to see what's possible and not!
There are still a lot of things for us to do, but we're doing our best. It's a lot of fun too.
(unlike trying to find voiceactresses, blergh)

Anyway, I've finished a commission!
Beach Bunny Breeding, Zu gets a surprise dicking on the beach.

Well, I think that's all I had for today. I'm off to do more Sofi tweaking, since there's always some new issues that come up.
2021-08-02 06:31:23
Comments (21)
doesn't matter
2021-08-26 23:41:56
thanks for making the navel spurt an option rather than out right removing it. Impregnation is also a thing now? I await with baited breath.
Rock Candy2180821773
2021-08-18 12:45:02
Yeah, and the way we're doing it has basically been rewriting flash player but in something that works on anything.
2021-08-13 06:36:49
The thing to understand here is that Flash is NOT dead. The Flash Player is dead. But the animation technology that is Flash is still up and being supported by Adobe as Adobe Animate. They just cut browser support for it. So the "porting" that has to be done here is not rewriting the entire thing but packaging it in a way that allows end users to actually play back the file.
Rock Candy2174421743
2021-08-10 08:10:57
You'd really have to ask Fallow, I don't know anything about the technical details. If was better, he could have an account on here to post with, but that'll have to wait til new is finished.
2021-08-10 07:29:58
Thanks for the update. I'm so excited for this project. I'm curious about how the existing flash is getting converted to HTML5. Is it flash running inside of HTML5, or are they being adapted for Ruffle or is it something else? Thanks for your and FallowWing's hard work.
Rock Candy2173721734
2021-08-07 04:49:18
I'm still working in flash.
2021-08-06 21:21:09
If not Flash, then what program are you making these with?
2021-08-06 04:57:38
alright, well thanks for the info, cant wait to play this game without flash
Rock Candy2172721726
2021-08-05 07:53:20
Considering the whole purpose of this port is that you won't need flash player, they'll do just fine.
2021-08-05 06:58:56
What a bout people with out flash player how are they gonna play?
Rock Candy2172521723
2021-08-05 06:55:53
To do that, we'd have to re-code them all from scratch. And you'll get to play this game once it's done.
2021-08-05 04:34:29
well what if you update games that did require flash? would that update change the game so it doesnt use flash anymore? And when will we be able to play this game without flash?
2021-08-04 22:05:25
oh good to know you're getting a new website! please make sure it has HTTPS as this isn't the kind of content people would be keen on letting their ISPs know they're browsing.
Rock Candy2171621714
2021-08-04 12:06:40
New releases won't need flash, no. But anything currently on here you'll need flash to play.
2021-08-04 02:52:45
so soon we wont need flash to play your games? cuz i miss playing your games, they slap
2021-08-03 10:46:41
Wait, so you're telling me this ol 2008 format is being done away with?
2021-08-03 06:45:32
Hairless unfucked coinslot pussies are the best
Rock Candy2170521703
2021-08-03 05:46:30
No, there will not be any flash releases at all in the future.
2021-08-03 02:49:37
Can we get a flash release of the updated Sofi part?
2021-08-03 01:26:57
What a pleasant surprise! Well now even more hyped. :)