I am so sad
I recorded nearly 4 hours of gameplay for a highlights video, only to find out at the end that all audio was muted. And there was so many good moments in there, now all lost. It's such a soul crushing feeling, I had a hard time recovering enough to do anything worthwhile after that.

But, I managed to get this drawing done, at least:
Meaty Mishaps, Rebecka has done some experimenting on Zara...

I also got a bunch of fan art this week! The first set comes from a fan who commissioned some Ellie stuff.
Wardrobe Malfunction 1
Wardrobe Malfunction 2
Wardrobe Malfunction 3
Wardrobe Malfunction 4
Wardrobe Malfunction 5
Wardrobe Malfunction 6

And the second set from SyncedUp on our discord server!
Sofi's Thighs
Sofi's Thighs Cum Version

Thanks a lot to both of you!

Now, I can't remember if there was anything else I wanted to say, because of that whole audio failure grating on my mind, so... I'm just gonna go to bed. Will stream some flash progress during the week, though, I started that back up again.
2021-07-04 19:37:30
Comments (6)
2021-07-06 08:51:23
true, but there is nothing we can do about it, so there is no need to let it bother us. Maybe now you instead can give some thought about commentary to the highlights? I just don't want the mute accident to bum you out more than it has to :)
Rock Candy2150521503
2021-07-06 06:20:21
Trying again would not result in the same, genuine reactions I had while experiencing it the first time.
2021-07-06 02:58:07
Being sad about something you can't change is just a waste of time where you could be happy. let it go, and perhaps try again if you feel like it. Life is about accumulating the most amount of happiness. I send you a big hug and tell you that mondays thanks to you always brings me a smile. Thanks!
Rock Candy2149321491
2021-07-05 07:45:54
Still working on the cum for Zu&Jo's part. The coding is taking it's time on Sofi's part; the upgrading we wanted to implement turned out to be quite time consuming to code.
2021-07-05 07:27:31
Any flash game updates or is it that on hold for now?
2021-07-05 02:53:38
First off happy 4th this is Nick strait from America and I gotta say that sucks booty hole but your hood you just gotta invite those lady’s over a gain hood your set you got this you can finish it i your amazing